

What torture was in Holocaust?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Some of the torture was in a concentration camp. Jews had to work on extreme hard things. They were not fed very much. They were shot. They had to dig their own graves. And some men that had beards had to scrub the sidewalk with their beard.

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Q: What torture was in Holocaust?
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Because they felt like it. Caestro hates people. Thats his life.

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no. putting live people in the ovens was a form of torture. it was a horrible death, I am sure.

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quarantine is where they put the Jews that were used to do experiments on them. Some couldn't survived because, they were torture too much.

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Hitler killed Jews, Nazis killed them, there were torture devices, and concentration camps. Many more things too.

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Gas chambers, testing (on twins), starvation,shooting,disease (caused the death of many but not directly caused by the nazis) and stabbing (infants) were some

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