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Q: What type of animal can fly doesn't lay egg has hair has webbed finger and has teeth?
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What did people do before the toothbrush was invented?

they used old water and there finger 2 brush there teeth so that ment they had 2 have fake teeth that where made out of old animal bones

What are some characteristics of a beaver?

A large flat tail, rodent teeth and webbed paws.

Y does Dylan have yellow teeth?

HE doesnt brush his teeth!!

How many teeth do a angelfish have?

enough to bite your finger off. seriously, just ask 9 Finger Nick.

Why doesnt Bella Thorne show her teeth when she smiles?

she does show her teeth in pictures

How do teeth impressions help solve a crime?

Teeth impressions can help solve a crime by providing an imprint of a suspect’s teeth that can be compared to bite marks found at a crime scene. Forensic odontologists can analyze these impressions to determine if there is a match, which can be used as evidence in a criminal investigation. This technique can link a suspect to the crime scene or provide valuable information in cases where bite marks are present.

What is a animal's teeth called?

They're still called teeth, for every animal

Do kingfishers have sharp teeth?

Kingfishers like all birds do not have teeth.

In The Blair Witch Project was it a finger or teeth in the piece of fabric torn from their friends shirt?


How do you finger out if its a boy or girl mice without touching it?

By checking its teeth, if it bigger teeth it a boy if small teeth its a girl

What animal has no front teeth?

Giraffes has no front teeth.

What animal has front teeth?

Giraffes has no front teeth.