

What type of artist was Barbara Kruger?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What type of artist was Barbara Kruger?
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When did Barbara kruger die?

Helen Barbara Kruger died in 2006.

When was Helen Barbara Kruger born?

Helen Barbara Kruger was born in 1913.

When did Helen Barbara Kruger die?

Helen Barbara Kruger died in 2006.

Who is Barbara Kruger?

See link!

What type of artist is Barbara Kruger?

Barbara Kruger's works focus on the perspective of women in the media and how they are perceived by men. Her works have a consistent juxtaposition of imagery and text which reflect a criticism of sexism and the idea of power structures within different cultures as a recurring motif.

What materials does Barbara kruger use in her work?

so she can reach out to people

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Barbara Schwartz - artist - was born in 1949.

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When did Barbara Schwartz - artist - die?

Barbara Schwartz - artist - died on 2006-05-08.

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What has the author Barbara Kruger written?

Barbara Kruger has written: 'Remaking History (Discussions in Contemporary Culture, No 4)' 'Twelve' 'Remote control' -- subject(s): American Arts 'We won't play nature to your culture' -- subject(s): Artists' books, Exhibitions

What is Barbara Kruger famous for?

Barbara Kruger is mainly famous for her pasting slogans on black and white photographs which influenced her to become a graphic designer where she worked at places such as, Mademoiselle and Aperture. All of her works can be described abstract expressionism, her works speak to society influentially, making you think twice.