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In ANY bankruptcy, whether or how much of your debt gets paid is dependent on what type it is, and more importantly, what your assets are. Your assets are used to pay your debts...have enough and 100% gets paid.

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Q: What type of bankruptcy can you file to not have to pay off your debt?
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If I file for bankruptcy can I still refinance my mortgage?

You would probably be better off refinancing your mortgage first and then applying for bankruptcy later on. My mom had to file for bankruptcy due to credit card debt she could not pay.

If I hide my car until I file bankruptcy can I get in trouble?

If you hide your car before you file bankruptcy and get caught, it is fraud and as far as im aware there will be a prison sentance. If you need to file bankruptcy in the first place then maybe selling your car would be a good idea to pay off some of your debt to try and prevent bankruptcy, because it is a very serious thing and not recommended as a get out clause for not paying debt.

If the child support is retro does it matter if the father file for bankrupt?

Child support debt cannot be charged off in a bankruptcy.

Can you settle a charge off with the finance company?

yes Whether a debt is "charged off" or even discharged by a bankruptcy court, the debtor has the option of repaying the debt anyway. This is how many business reorganize their finances. The file for bankruptcy, have debt discharged but negotiate with the creditors after the bankruptcy to pay down the amount(s). That way the company can stay in business and also keep it's credit rating up.

Should you file bankruptcy if debt is 3 years old?

Bankruptcy should only be filed if a large amount of debt is unpayable to the point where it is seriously interfering with your daily life. You can hold onto debt for as long as is necessary to pay it off. The only time you are eligible to file bankruptcy according to US law is when you are completely devoid of the ability to pay your bills, cannot foresee any upcoming period of time when you will be able to, and the debt is begin to become detrimental to your everyday financial wellbeing.

Can you get your car back if you file a chapter 7 bankruptcy before it is auctioned off?

If the lender is willing to reaffirm the loan with the borrower then the vehicle can be returned. A vehicle is a secured debt and is not subject to chapter 7 bankruptcy laws.

Can you file for bankruptcy after the condo assn files for past due assessment fees?

Of course you can. In most states, condo fees become liens on the condo, so a secured debt. You would have to file a C. 13 and plan to pay off the arrears as a secured debt.

When filing bankruptcy what do you do with creditors that 'drop off' your credit reports before you file?

Your credit report is irrelvent. Certainly many debts are not on one. If you owe the debt, report it.

What is the difference between debt settlement vs bankruptcy?

There is a subtle difference between debt settlement and bankruptcy. Debt settlement allows a person to pay off some of their debt with their creditors. Bankruptcy claims do not result in payment of the debt. Either practice creates bad credit scores for the consumer.

What happens if you sell your secured debt you file bankruptcy and the original creditors want the items back?

Assuming you mean you sold the item that was security for the debt, you violated the contract and may have committed a crime if you did not pay the debt off with the proceeds. The creditors can ask the bankruptcy court to deny your discharge or dismiss your case, and charge you with fraud, a federal crime. if you failed to disclose the sale in the bankruptcy documents.They may not get the items back, but you will have to pay the creditors what you owe. Even if you land in jail or federal prison, you will have to pay the debt off.

What is a charged off loan when connected to Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

A charge-off is a tax-related matter and has nothing to do with bankruptcy. The debt is still owed.

What are 5 easy tips for debt elimination?

Don't spend so much money? Also, try and create a monthly budget and stick to it. Remember to build in eliminating your debt. I suppose you could file for bankruptcy if that it an option for you. Get off the grid.