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Blue belly lizards have a habitat ranging from coastal scrub, to forest. If your planning on keeping one as a pet, I would sugest putting it in a 10-20 gallon tank or larger. You'll probably want to floor the enclosure with a soft woodchip, or sand bottom. Sand is easier to clean when the animal takes a deuce. Also you probally want pet store bought sand to ensure it is clean and free of microscopic mites and bacteria which can kill your lizard pal. Place a few clean sticks or hollow logs (preferably store bought- because they're sterilized) in the cage so the animal can hide when it feels it needs to, minimising stress, and ensuring better health. The cage MUST have a rock with a heat lamp over it. The lizard, being cold blooded, will need to sit on the rock and soak up the lamps warmth for energy. Also make sure this is fresh clean water for the animal to drink. This means you actually have to go to the store and pick up a special reptile water holder thing. No ziplock plastic containers with water buried halfway in the dirt for mud and crap to get kicked in it, you don't want to drink out of the toilet, neither does it.


This species of lizard is an insectavore, scientific jibberish for -bug eater. You will want to keep it mainly on a diet of crickets and meal worms. These may not have enough protein or nutrients, luckily you can go to the pet store and grap some lizard nutrient powder. Its a type of edible powder you can roll your crickets in before you feed your lizard them. For better feeding advice ask your local petshop.

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