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Autonomic reflexes

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Q: What type of reflexes are not subject to conscious control?
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What type of muscle is controlled by conscious thought?

Skeletal muscles are the only type of muscle in the body under conscious control.

Which type of muscular tissue contains an alternating pattern of myofilaments and is under conscious control?

skeletal muscle tissue

Names of the three different types of musc les inthe body and which ones can you control?

Voluntary (striated) Involuntary (smooth) Cardiac. You have conscious control over the first type.

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Being an environmentally conscious human being is being the type of being who acts responsibly to being in control of his environment.

Is guilty conscious an emotion?

A guilty conscience is not considered an emotion in and of itself. It is a psychological response to wrongdoing or moral transgressions, involving feelings of remorse, regret, or responsibility for one's actions. It can lead to emotional states such as sadness, anxiety, or shame.

Does boys reflexes work better than a girls?

It depends on the type of boy or girl you are talking about. A certain boy might have better reflexes than a girls, but usually girls are more flexible. Therefore, a larger percent of girls have better reflexes than boys.

Which is a type of muscle tissue that is most often controlled by conscious thought?

Skeletal muscle is most often controlled by conscious thought.

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What type of memory is a retention of skills and dispositions without conscious recollection?

Short term

What are two kinds of muscle tissues?

Two types of muscle in the human body are striated muscle. Striated means "striped" and is the type of muscle that moves the body. Smooth muscle does not have the striped appearance and is not under conscious control.

What are electronic Control devices?

One type of electronic control device is a hand held immobilizing device … that is used by police departments to control uncooperative or dangerous subjects. It is operated by propelling two darts at a hostile subject. When the two darts … strike the subject, so long as both [hooked barbs] remain in contact with the subject's body and/or clothing, the officer can send an electrical charge through the wires. The officer can continue to send charges through the subject by depressing a button…. The current generated by the [electronic control device] causes involuntary muscular contractions in the subject, which in turn usually causes the subject to lose muscular control for a short period of time and to fall to the ground. Because the … subject loses muscular control, an officer can establish control over an uncooperative or dangerous subject without the need to resort to mace, batons, or personal combat techniques.