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Regressive. (:

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18h ago

A regressive tax is one that takes a smaller percentage of income from high-income people than from low-income people. In a regressive tax system, as income increases, the percentage of income paid in taxes decreases.

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Q: What type of tax is one that takes a smaller percentage of income from high-income people than from low-income people?
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What percentage of your gross income should you save for retirement?

Financial experts generally recommend saving at least 10-15% of your gross income for retirement. This may vary depending on factors such as your age, income level, and desired retirement lifestyle. It's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor to determine the appropriate percentage for your specific situation.

Which of the following methods for estimating retirement income needs assumes retirement expenses will be some fixed proportion of your preretirement needs?

The replacement ratio method assumes retirement expenses will be a fixed percentage of preretirement needs, typically ranging from 70-80%. It is calculated by dividing desired retirement income by preretirement income.

What methods for estimating retirement income needs assumes retirement expenses will be some fixed proportion of your preretirement needs?

The replacement ratio method assumes that retirees will need a certain percentage of their preretirement income to maintain their standard of living in retirement. Typically, 70-80% of preretirement income is suggested for this method. It is based on the assumption that some expenses may decrease in retirement, such as commuting costs, but it doesn't consider individual circumstances, like healthcare expenses or lifestyle choices.

What types of income are considered when determining eligibility for senior low income housing?

Types of income considered for determining eligibility for senior low-income housing typically include Social Security benefits, pensions, retirement savings, alimony, and income from part-time or full-time employment. Other sources of income, such as rental income or investments, may also be considered. Each housing program may have specific income limits and guidelines for eligibility.

How is low-income senior housing different from traditional section 8?

Low income senior housing is much the same as traditional section 8, but the income requirements may sometimes be set a little bit higher. You also must be over a certain age to qualify for low income senior housing. Section 8 housing is available to anyone who qualifies based on their income. Senior low income housing is only available to seniors with low income.

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What type of tax is one that takes smaller percentage of income from high income people than low income people?


What type of tax is one that take a smaller percentage of income from high-income people than low-income people?

Regressive. (:

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It could be if the economic improvement of the low income country results in materials that the high income country needs.

What type of tax is one that takes a smaller percentage of income from high income people than from low income people?


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The general rule is you should spend no more than half of your income on rent. The better you are doing financially, the smaller percentage of income goes towards your house/apartment.

What type of tax is one that takes a smaller percentage of income people than from low income people?

Regressive tax. E.g. value added tax

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I'd say, Germany as they are a more high income country and they have enough money to ship their waste to a lowincome country and pay them

Formula for net income percentage?

Net income percentage = Net income / Revenue

What is the difference in percentage of income versus percentage of expense?

Income = expense + savings&investments Income = expense + savings&investments

How do I find out what my income tax percentage is?

There are many websites available online that can help you calculate your income tax percentage. It is usually based on your income and the type of income that you have.

What was the highest percentage income tax in 1918?

The Highest percentage income tax in the year of 1918 was 77%