

What verb can you give food but not water?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What verb can you give food but not water?
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What is the definition of feed?

verb: to give food. noun: food. Usually used in connection with animal food.

Is fed a verb?

Yes, "fed" can be a verb. It is the past tense of the verb "feed," which means to give food to someone or something.

Water PROVIDES food and energy for us is provides the helping or main verb?

Provides is the main verb. There is no auxiliary verb in that sentence.

What grows if you give it food and die if you give it water?


Why should you give your pet food and water?

it'll die of malnutrtion anything will die without food or water.

If you give an animal food and it is alive and if you give it water then it dies?

All animals need food and water to stay healthy. If the animal was sick and you gave it food then it died after you gave it water, it was probably too ill to survive anyway and had little to do with the food and water given to it once it was already ill.

How do tamatos get food?

they eat the dirt and the water that you give them and remember to always give them plenty of that food either wise they will not survive the harsh times out in your garden do you get that always give them plenty of food and water and remember what their food and water is and always never give up on keeping your plant alive either wise you wont have any tomatos for a crop of the year thank you bye

Give it food and it will livegive it water and it will die?

the answer is fire.

What should you give your rabbit?

food, water, and love!

How do you care for dogs?

give them a food and a water to drink

Is giving a linking verb?

Will give is a verb phrase. Give is not used as a linking verb.

Was there lots of food and water left after 2004 tsunami?

No, there was not much food. people had to give out food for free.