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In ancient art Artemis was usually depicted as a girl dressed in a short knee-length chiton and equipped with a hunting bow and quiver of arrows.

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13y ago

In ancient art Artemis was usually depicted as a girl dressed in a short knee-length chiton and equipped with a hunting bow and quiver of arrows.

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12y ago

Artemis is known to have curly, blond tied up hair with a laurel upon her head. She wore knee length dresses with sandals. She always held with her a golden bow and a quiver of arrows.

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10y ago

In ancient art Artemis was usually depicted as a girl dressed in a short knee-length chiton and equipped with a hunting bow and quiver of arrows.

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9y ago

Artemis is always depicted with a bow and arrow. Her sacred animal is a deer, so there is sometimes a deer with her.

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The Greek goddess Artemis is a female. However, if you are referring to Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl is a male.

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Who was worshiped at the Temple of Artemis?

The Temple of Artemis was built as a place to worship the goddess Artemis.

Is Artemis Fowl a fictional novel?

Yes, Artemis Fowl is definitely a fantasy novel. Note: Artemis Fowl is not related to Artemis (Diana).

Who does Artemis desire?

Only Artemis knows and can answer this.

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Where can Artemis be found?

Artemis can be found in the wilderness.