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Andrew Jackson's kitchen cabinet was him taking advice not from his cabinet, but his trusted friends and political supporters. it was called the "kitchen cabinet" because they were said to meet in the White House kitchen. they met in the white house to discuss how to improve the cabinet

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11y ago
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13y ago

President Jackson was known as a common man's president. Partly for having ordinary, unqualified people taking part in his Cabinet positions. As a result, Jackson seldom met with his "official" Cabinet. Instead he relied on a group of adviser's who would meet in his White House kitchen. These men consisted of Democratic leaders and news paper editors.

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6y ago

This was a derogatory term invented by detractors of Jackson. The members of this kitchen cabinet were people that Jackson trusted and could depend on. They were like the white house staff that the current President has except that they were not on the government payroll. The actual cabinet secretaries had to be approved by the Senate and keep up social appearances in Washington society.
His advisors were his close friends, instead of cabinet members approved by Congress.

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11y ago

This was a derogatory term invented by detractors of Jackson. The members of this kitchen cabinet were people that Jackson trusted and could depend on. They were like the white house staff that the current President has except that they were not on the government payroll. The actual cabinet secretaries had to be approved by the Senate and keep up social appearances in Washington society.

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10y ago

The kitchen cabinet was an informal group . All were Jackson supporters. Some of the names were Amos Kendall, Francis P. Blair, Rev. Obadiah Brown, Isaac Hill, Duff Greene, Gideon Welles, Mordecai M. Noah, John Coffee, John Overton, William B. Lewis, Andrew Donelson. Martin Van Buren and Roger B. Taney might also be included.

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