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Q: What was NOT a technological innovation introduced during World War 2?
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What type of technological innovation did the Germans bring in world war?

Mainly tanks although some development in planes

What other technological innovation used by people today?

The most common technological innovation today is the Internet, that makes people talk to the other people across the globe, which makes the world smaller as they say. As well as the modern devices that we have that makes our daily activities easy and convenient.

Latest technological and scientific innovation in the Philippines?

The Philippines is exploding in new technology. They are trying to keep up and surpass some of the major players in the world.

Which of these technological developments did not affect the world economies during World War I?

atomic bombs

Was income tax introduced to Canada during World War I?

Yes, Income tax was introduced to Canada during World War 1. It was introduced to help pay for the costs of everything needed for the war.

What were some major technological advances during the World War 2?

Jeromy Petscae

Who introduced martial technology during World War 1?

me me

How did the world War 2 change the face of modern warfare?

during World War 2 there was alot of technological development (alot of it nazi's) and the things that where developed where put into practice.

What types of technology was introduced during World War 1?


Describe three technological advances during World War 2?

RADAR, SONAR, the proximity fuse,

What is JetBrains a leading vendor in?

JetBraing is a leading organisation in technological innovation and product development. They specialise and are world known for their software development programs and can help businesses improve their current working levels and output.