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In the new book:

"Australian Bushrangers, the Police, and God".

The issue of Ned and Heaven is explained as accurately as is possible using historical facts of the day.

The book is factual story is about "Australian Bushrangers", including Ned Kelly, who had the opportunity to trust in God, either before, during or after capture. The Australian bushranger may have committed what appear to be dreadful crimes, and as such they became outside of the law of the land. This story is about just a few of these bushrangers, who have had the opportunity to trust in God, either before, during or after capture. Most of these men committed the crime known as 'Robbery Under Arms' and as we have seen from the movie industry, the likes of the story 'Robbery Under Arms' is glamorised to the extent that we cannot but admire their exploits.

This very real and dangerous drama cannot be what it is, or what it was, without acknowledging the valiant and possibly more dangerous part played by the God consciousness, police and troopers, of the day. During a trial of a bushranger a magistrate stated: "Take the case of these constables, were they not brave men also? It is a strange thing that we hear little of the undoubted police bravery, yet, if there is the slightest courage shown by a bushranger, he is lauded as if he were a hero of romance".

The book includes real faith facts of numerous Aussie Bushrangers including Bushranger Power. But I am sure that Ned Kelly is now in Heaven with Christ Jesus, thanks to Ned's confession of faith at the Glenrowan Railway Station.

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