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Q: What was Stanley yelnats accused of stealing?
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Related questions

Who is Stanley's no good rotten pig stealing grandfather?

Elya Yelnats.

Why did the Yelnats family name their sons Stanley in the book Holes?

Stanley regards his family as the people he lives with on camp.

Who was to blame for all of the Stanley bad luck?

The person to blame for all of the Stanley bad luck was his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather. All the Yelnats named their boy Stanley which is the backward spelling of Yelnats.

From the book holes what does Stanley yelnats alwasys say?

he always says about his pig stealing rotten grandfather

Is Stanley yelnats the fourth or the 5th generation?

Which Stanley Yelnats do you mean? If it's OUR Stanley yelnats, then he's the 4th generation.

What is Stanley yelnats spelled backwards?

Stanley yelnats

What is Stanley Yelnats' real name?

stanley yelnats real name in holes is bob frog

In the Book Holes what was Stanley Yelnats accused of?

he was accused of stealing a famous basketball player's tennis shoes. the shoes were given to the needy. Zero stole them, but when he was about to get caught, he threw them and the ended up in Stanley's hands. Stanley got caught and went to the camp.

Important events in the story holes?

In "Holes," important events include Stanley Yelnats being falsely accused of stealing shoes, leading to his sentence at Camp Green Lake; Stanley forming a friendship with Zero and helping each other dig holes; the discovery of the buried treasure and the revelation of the history behind the curse on the Yelnats family; and Stanley and Zero's escape from the camp and the resolution of their family curses.

How old was Stanley Yelnats?

Stanley Yelnats is about 14-16 in the book Holes.

What is the main character of the story called holes?

The main character of the story "Holes" is Stanley Yelnats, a young boy who is wrongfully accused of stealing a pair of shoes and sent to a juvenile detention camp in the desert.

What is Stanley Yelnats' personality?

Stanley is a very innocent but shy and in the book and film even though he was accused of a crime that he didn't commit