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The Phoney War was an eight month period at the start of World War 2, during which there were no major military land operations on the Western Front. It began with the declaration of war by the western Allies (i.e. United Kingdom and France) against Nazi Germany on September 3, 1939, following the German invasion of Poland, and ended with the German attack on France and the Low Countries on May 10, 1940.

It was phony because the Allies (i.e. United Kingdom and France) although they had declared war on Germany, were effectively doing nothing except apparently waiting for Germany to attackthem too. Perhaps they were expecting Germany to "destroy themselves" by attacking France's Maginot Line... and they would not actually have to fight this war they had given up so much to Germany as "bribes" to convince Germany not to begin the war.

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September 1, 1939 to May 10, 1940 is a popular acceptance for the dates of the phoney war. Some Historians use different dates but you are safe with those dates.

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