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In 1856, the Republican national platform was a projection of the party's roots. The party had been formed when the Whig Party had folded. The platform reflected the beliefs of anti slavery Democrats, former Whigs, and the so called northern Know Nothings. The key component of the platform demanded the exclusion of slavery in the territories, and the admission of Kansas as a free State. For some reason, the Republicans did not push for the end of slavery in Washington DC.Republicans also campaigned against the polygamy of the Mormons.

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The platform is what they believe in.

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The convention was the first one related to national issues, as the Party was so new.

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Q: What was the Republican Party platform in the 1856 presidential election?
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This outline is called the party platform. The individual points in the platform are called planks. The platform tells what the party stands for in its bid for election. It is usually forgotten after the election is over.

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Republican Party - you're welcome ;)