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Hercules was actually a Greek hero, Heracles, called Hercules in Rome. He was a demigod, being the son of Zeus and a human mother.

Telephus is the son of Heracles and Auge. Hyllus is the son of Heracles and Deianeira or Melite. The sons of Heracles and Hebe are Alexiares and Anicetus.

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Q: What was the Roman god Hercules' sons' names?
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How many children did the Roman god Mars have?

Jupiter, Juno are one of the sons that Mars had.

Is Pluto a Greek or Roman word?

Pluto is The Roman names for Hades God of the Underworld and wealth

Why is it that all the planets in the solar system are having their names and where it came from?

Good question, all the planets' names except earth were named after roman gods and goddesses. Venus is named after the roman goddess of love, Neptune the roman god of water. Saturn the roman god of farming, Mars the roman god of war, Jupiter the ruler of all the roman gods. Uranus however was named after the Greek God (roman and greek mythology is different) of the sky. Even Pluto now not a planet was named after the roman god of the underworld or dead.

What Roman God is Makemake named after?

Makemake is a god from Polynesian mythology, specifically that of Easter Island, not Roman. Various minor planets have recently received names outside the traditional Greek and Roman mythologies.

What are the roman names for Neptune and Uranus?

Neptune -is- the Roman name for the God of the Sea. The Greek name is Poseidon. The Roman version of Uranus/Ouranos is Caelus.

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Hercules is not a Greek God!!He was actually a demigod or HalfBlood which means that one of his parent (His father Zeus)was a Greek God but the other was a motal man or woman.But he is mentioned in Roman and Greek mythology. Hercules being the Roman name for the Greek demigod Heracles

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Sons of God. Jn. 1:12