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The US imposed a weapons embargo on the area that adversely effected Israel more than its Arab neighbors and the US did not recognize the state until 1949.

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Q: What was the US reaction to israel becoming an independent state?
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What year was Israel first recognised as an independent state by the rest of the world?

Israel was recognized as an independent state in 1948.

Is Israel a state?

Yes - the State of Israel was established as an independent state on 14 May 1948.

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The citizens and administration of Israel did, in 1948. United Nations Resolution 181 only provided permission for Israel to declare a state. As said above, it was the Israelis who actually did the Declaring.

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Israel became a state on May 14, 1948 when they declared independence with the neighboring Arab states.

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Modern Israel, which declared itself to be an independent nation in May of 1948, is known as the Jewish State.