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President Roosevelt felt that the US should aid the allies in the war against Germany, claiming that the war was like a "neighbors home on fire" if the "neighbor" wasn't helped, then the fire would affect us. American's felt that even if the allies were losing, America should remain isolationist, due to a strong resentment to war from WWI. The US however, still aided the allies through various programs, and did not engage in any warfare until 1941.

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Q: What was the US respone for the war against Germany and Britain in 1939?
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When did Great Britain and France war against Germany and why?

Great Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939, because germany had invaded land that Great britain had to protect for france.

In what year did Europe go to war against Germany?

1939.well that's when Britain did

When did France and great Britain declare war against Germany and why?

Great Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939, because germany had invaded land that Great britain had to protect for france.

When did great Britain and France declare war against Germany and why?

Great Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939, because germany had invaded land that Great britain had to protect for france.

WHAT Time was war declared against GERMANY?

Britain declared war on Germany at 11am on Sunday 3rd September 1939.

When did Britain and France declare war against Germany and why?

Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. The reason was because Germany had launched a military invasion of Poland two days earlier, even though Britain and France had told Germany not to do so.

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Britain and France had a defence pact with Poland. When German forces attacked Poland on 1st September 1939, Britain and France demanded that they withdraw. Germany ignored the request, so on 3rd September 1939 Britain and France issued a joint declaration of war against Germany.

What led France and Britain to declare war against Germany to begin wolrd war 2?

Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland. On 1 September 1939, German troops invaded Poland, so on 3 September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

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Why did France and Britain come into the war?

Britain and France had a defence pact with Poland. On 1st September 1939, German troops invaded Poland so on 3rd September 1939, Britain and France issued a joint declaration of war against Germany.

When did Germany and Britain have war?

In 1939. 1914 to 1918 and again from 1939 to 1945

When did Britain and France declair war on Germany?

In 1939