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Hanseong, it's located right where modern day Seoul is.

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Q: What was the capital city before Korea split into two countries?
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What was the capital of North and South Korea before they split?


What was the capital of North Korea and South Korea before they were split?

The capital was Seoul - which is the capital of South Korea today. As you might know, N.Korea's capital now is PyeongYang

What countries are split up into countries?

Korea. North Korea is communist and South Korea is democratic.

What wars did Korea face before split?

Korea, like any other countries, faced countless wars throughout history. Korea has a history of 5000 years and no country's history is without wars.

Did North Korea and South Korea ever communicate before they split?


Is Korea still split between north and south?

Yes, North Korea and South Korea are two different countries.

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South Africa has Pretoria (Administrative), Cape Town (Legislative), and Bloemfontein (Judicial). Are other countries with a split capital like that?

What was the outcome of the war during the civil war in Korea?

Korea was split into two separate countries. There still is tension between them however.

What was the original flag of Korea before it split?

The current flag of South Korea was the original flag of Korea. It was designed over 60 years before the two Koreas separated.

What country is a communist dictatorship that was established after world war 2 and has the city of pyongyang as its capitail?

Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea. Korea split into two countries as a result of the Korean War, not World War II. The Korean War was five years after the second World War.

Why does Korea splitted into two countries?

There was a war, the result of which was a split. In history, many countries have been split in similar ways - some have recombined. Russi spread communim to china which spread it to north Korea. president Truman wanted to eliminate communism ( it was the cold war). So they moved into south Korea to combat the communism

What was the result of Korea being divided and controlled by two different countries?

it was split and did not agree to each other