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Two possibilities: a private archive of clay tablets was found at Ugarit, a city in ancient Sumer; these were mostly business records. Also, the Biblical city of Nineveh had an extensive library of clay tablets on a wider range of subjects, including literature. If I remember correctly some important variants of the Gilgamesh story were found there.

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Q: What was the city in which the famous library with clay cuneiform tablets called?
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Who invented the idea for a library?

We don't know. Collections of cuneiform tablets have been found dating back to 2600 B.C.The ancient Egyptians had a famous library in Alexandria.

Which city was famous for it's library that had thousands of clay tablets?


Where was the world's first library located?

The oldest library of which we are currently aware is the Library of Ashurbanipal, in the ancient Mesopotamian city of Nineveh (located across the Tigris river from the modern city of Mosul, Iraq).It contains a collection of clay tablets written in cuneiform, most of which are about 2,600 - 2,700 years old; the most famous work which was found there is the classic Epic of Gilgamesh.

What did mesopotamian write on?

The Babylonians were a Mesopotamian civilization, as were all ancient civilizations between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Mesopotamian civilizations, such as the Sumerians and the Babylonians, wrote using a system called "cuneiform." Cuneiform gets it's name from the Latin cuneus, meaning wedge. This Is because cuneiform was written with a wedge shaped stylus, usually made for twigs or copper. Unlike the Egyptians, the Babylonians did not use paper, but a soft clay tablet to write into. Of course, words were also written into stone, for example the very famous Hammurabi's Code. For this styluses made of harder materials (like copper) were used.

What were the 2 things Sumer famous for?

The sumerians were famous for their written language cuneiform and for inventing the wheel.

What was the famous library in Egypt?

The library in Alexandria

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Colombo Public Library.

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he British Library

What was the most famous place in Alexandria?

the library

Did ancient Egypt have a librarie?

The ancient Egyptians had this buil Save ding called the "House of Life" which basically acted as a library. The Greek rulers of Egypt had a great library built at Alexandria which was famous throughout the ancient world.

What is Ancient Mesopotamian famous for?

They (the Sumerians) made the first irrigation system which enabled them to use of the rivers' flooding; they made the first system of law - called Code Hammurapi; they made the first writing system - called cuneiform; their inventions were: the wheel and the brick. They were the first people who lived in city states.

Where can you find books about famous people?

In a library. where else?