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The reform of the church and its advocates were John Wyclif and Marsiglio of Padua.

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Q: What was the conciliar movement and who were its advocates?
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Was the Conciliar Movement a revolutionary idea?


What was the significance of the Conciliar Movement?

The Conciliar Movement was a significant development in the 14th and 15th centuries that aimed to limit the power of the papacy and emphasize the authority of church councils. It sought to resolve the Western Schism, in which multiple popes claimed authority, by advocating for a council-based solution. While it did not ultimately succeed in its goals, the Conciliar Movement contributed to discussions about church reform and sparked debates about the balance of power between councils and the papacy.

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One goal held by some advocates of the Progressive movement was to think now. These people wanted to see positive new things created.

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There were many youth peace advocates at one time. Therefore, it is hard to say who are the first 3 that started the movement because hundreds were in on it.

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Advocates Stands Out

Advocates of assimilation regarded Native Americans as?

Advocates of assimilation regarded Native Americans as lesser than white Europeans and thought their culture was inferior. This movement persisted between 1790 and 1920.

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Martin Luther King Jr.

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Ministery of Defense, Ministery of information, Ministery of Health,Ministery of Education

As the women's suffrage movement grew what happened to women advocates for suffrage?

They became more politically savvy and clever in their message

What is mexica movement?

A group that advocates and plan the overtaking of the USA by the "indigenous people". They advocate the expulsion of whites, as European Invaders.