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Juror #7 had a hidden agenda. He wanted the court case to be over and done with as fast as possible so that he could attend a ball game. He even went as far as to change his vote to not-guilty claiming he was "sick of all the talking." But what he really wanted was to speed up the proceedings.

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The boy's motive for killing his father was due to the abuse and strained relationship between the two of them. His innocence was established in the end though.

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Q: Who had a hidden agenda in the movie Twelve Angry Men?
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How is the law accurate in Twelve Angry Men?

The law is accurate in the movie Twelve Angry Men as it relates to finding a Defendant "Guilty beyond reasonable doubt."

Who was passive in the movie Twelve Angry Men?

Juror #8 (played by Henry Fonda).

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it just have tweht sjsjakjs

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To sit in deliberation with other members of the jury.

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Juror #7 had tickets to see the Yankees play Cleveland.

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The most important strength portrayed by the jury in Twelve Angry Men was 'determination' regardless of any justifiable (or unjustifiable) logic each individual attached to the term.The group was determined to complete the deliberations as directed by the Judge in the case.

Are there court stage plays?

An excellent example is one entitled "Twelve Angry Men."It was also done as a black and white movie featuring an all-star cast.

What are the differences between the 1957 movie Twelve Angry Men and the play Twelve Angry?

Some differences between the play and the movie are that in the movie, there is a scene in the very beginning in the courtroom, and in the middle, a scene in the bathroom. I can't remember exactly, but in one of them, the boy is 19 years old, and in the other, he's 18 years old. In the movie, one of the jurors want to leave because he has tickets to a ball game, and in the play, he has theater tickets. I know there are some more, but it's been a while since I read/ watched this! Hope I helped! :)

In the movie Twelve Angry Men who had seen a knife fight before?

Juror #5's character (played by Jack Klugman) had experience with switchblade knife-fights in his childhood neighborhood.

Who played the defendant in twelve angry men?

In the film, 'Twelve Angry Men,' the accused's alibi for his whereabouts at the time of the murder was that he was at a movie theater, watching a double feature. Belief in his alibi was challenged when he could not remember the name of either of the films.

Which was made first Angry Birds rio or rio the movie?

Rio the movie because the angry birds version is a "copy" of the movie.