

What was the estimate of bloody Mary killed?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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She was killed because a little girl was found killed outside marys house so the villagers decided that she was a killer and that they should kill her so days after that they started to fing dead people outside her old home they foung them with the letter M in their chests and at night they herd her cry since days before she got killed her husband had just died so she cries for him every single night.

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Of course she has. She has Bloody in Her name

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Bloody Mary was the queen of England. She had a driver named bloody she wasn't paying her driver enough so one day her driver told her to go in the closet and he killed her with a knive so that's why bloody Mary has a knive and her name has the word "Bloody" in it!

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Bloody Mary never personally killed anyone. She was also known to be fond of children.

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Queen Mary, of England, aka. Bloody Mary, died in 1558 during an out break of influenza.

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killed people she was a queen google it

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killed 284 people

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