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Tobacco Mosaic Virus

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Q: What was the first plant virus ever identified?
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Who planted the first ever plant?

Steven Briand planted the first plant in 1862.

Who discovered the first virus ever?

i am not sure who but he was in a college and he invented a virus called ellic Coner which was put into a game

What was the first virus ever discovered 1879?

Yes it was discovered in 1879?

What is the Date of the first nuclear power plant?

The first nuclear power plant ever built is in 1954

Does lysosome ever die?

yes they do they are the first plant organelles to die in a plant cell

When was the first virus outside of a lab created?

The first one ever made was when a gorilla reproduced with a woman in 1956

Which virus did the Farooq Alvi brother invent?

The brain virus. It was the first virus ever.

Who was James Phipps?

the first person ever to be vaccinated. it was for the smallpox virus, known as cowpox in its time.

What was the first ever kind of shark in the world?

The oldest fossilized shark remains that have been found are teeth, identified as the megalodon.

Where is the first nuclear pawer plan?

The first nuclear power plant ever built was the Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant. Located in Obninsk, this plant is situated south of Moscow and was operational starting on June 1, 1954.

What was the first ever computer virus?

"The Creeper virus, it was first detected on ARPANET" - WikiPedia. The Creeper Virus displayed the message when connecting via dial-up: "I AM THE CREEPER: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN". It was discovered in 1789. This answer is Abhinav jain

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