

What was the first space probe that landed on the moon?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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It was sent by the USSR. I think it was "Luna 9".

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Q: What was the first space probe that landed on the moon?
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What USSR space probe that landed on the moon?

The first man-made object to reach the moon was the Luna 2 probe in 1959.

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There wasn't a probe when man landed on the moon. Instead, he walked on the moon July 1969 with the Apollo space program for NASA.

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Has a space probe been to the moon?

Yes, both the Russians and the Americans have landed 'probes' on the Moon. The Americans have also landed men there.

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The first mission that successfully landed humans on the moon was the USA's Apollo 11, crewed by Neil Armstrong, Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, and Michael Collins. They landed on July 24, 1969. The first probe to impact on the moon's surface was the Luna 2 space probe from the Soviet Union, which landed on September 14, 1959.

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No Russian has landed on the moon, although they where the first to get an unmanned space craft to the lunar surface in 1959 (the probe didn't "land" so much as it "hit").

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the space prob Huygens landed on Saturn's moon in the year 1932.

First space probe to fly past the moon?

The Luna 16 was the first space probe to fly past the moon. The Lunokhod 1 was the first rover on the moon. It was sent to the Moon on November 10, 1970.

Who invented the first space probe?

The first space probe was the Luna I by the United Soviet Socialist Republic. It did a flyby of the moon in 1959

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No Indian Space Shuttle has ever landed on the moon. The only country that has ever physically landed on the moon is the United States.

Who was the first space probe that was sent to the moon?

Neil Armstrong

How many space shuttles have landed on the moon?

No space shuttle have landed on the moon.