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17th parrelle

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Q: What was the line that separated north Vietnam from south Vietnam?
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What is the signigicance of 17th parallel?

During the Vietnam War, the 17th parallel was the dividing line that separated one nation from another (North & South Vietnam); it hasn't existed since 1975.

What was the line called that separated the north and the south?

the mason dixon line

What North Korea and South Korea are separated by?

North Korea and South Korea are divided into a ceasefire line. This line made after Korean War.

What is the line that separated the north and south during the civil war called?

Mason Dixon line

What was the dividing line between North and South Vietnam called?

The 17th parallel was established on 21 July 1954 as a provisional demarcation line.

What is the line that divides North and South Vietnam called?

it's the 17th parallel

Did the mason dixon line separate the north and the south?

Yes. It separated Maryland from Pennsylvania.

What invisible line separated the north from the south?

The Mason-Dixon Line is the invisible line that historically separated the northern and southern states in the United States. It was surveyed in the 1760s and came to represent the cultural and political divide between the free states in the North and the slave states in the South.

Define 38th parallel?

The 38 parallel is the 38 parallel latitude line across the globe. But this is the line dividing the North Korean and South Korean countries.

What separated the North and South during the Civil War?

states rights

What was the Demarcation Line of Vietnam in 1954?

The 17th Parallel Line created the DMZ or Demilitarized Zone between North and South.

What two hemispheres are separated by an imaginary line that runs north and south through the Atlantic ocean?

The 20o west meridian approximates an imaginary line running north and south through the Atlantic Ocean. The eastern and western hemispheres are actually separated by the meridians 20o west and 160o east.