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The results of the CIA was that they had got beat up really bad nd that they got ran away from their own town

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Q: What was the result of CIA actions in Iran in the 1950s?
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When was CIA transnational human rights actions created?

CIA transnational human rights actions was created in 1947.

Why did the CIA support covert activity to restore the shah to power Iran?

The CIA supported covert activity to restore the Shah to power in Iran because the Shah was willing to agree with the United States. The United States wanted to seek oil trade with Iran.

Why did CIA support covert activity to restore the shah to power in Iran?

The CIA supported covert activity to restore the Shah to power in Iran because the Shah was willing to agree with the United States. The United States wanted to seek oil trade with Iran.

Why did the CIA support covert activity to restore the shah to power in Iran?

The CIA supported covert activity to restore the Shah to power in Iran because the Shah was willing to agree with the United States. The United States wanted to seek oil trade with Iran.

Did the cia help over through the Iran government and intall the shah?


What was the role of the CIA in Iran?

The CIA launched a coup d'état against Iranian President Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 and helped to reinstall the Shah of Iran. This act, more than any other, has embittered Iranians to American Foreign Policy.

Middle eastern country unhappy with the alleged spying by the CIA?

All of them but mostly Syria and iran.

What was one of eisenhower's expansion of the role of the CIA in the 1950s?

it built long-term resentment against the united states

The CIA succeeded in overthrowing the governments of which two nations during the 1950s?

A) cuba gautemaloes, and eye ran

What agency supervises the CIA?

No one agency is in charge of supervising the CIA's actions. There are many examples of times that the CIA has acted without approval of the US government and has secret elements that may be under no scrutiny whatsoever.

The big oil company operating in Iran was?

The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was the oil company that had a virtual monopoly on Iranian oil fields until the industry was nationalized in the early 1950s. After the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq by the CIA and the SAS (Britain) in 1953 in direct response to the nationalization, the amount of oil companies operating in Iran increased. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company still exists today as BP.