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Q: What was the result of the Nazis' hate against the Jews?
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Why did the Nazis treat the jews the way they did in the Holocaust?

To make no jews in the world, and hitler hated them because they were smart and brave, etc.

Who did the Nazis preach an attitude of hatred against?

The Nazis were first and foremost a hate party. They simply loathed: * Jews * Gypsies * Communists * Socialists * Liberals * Homosexuals * Democracy * SlavsJews

What political party did Nazis hate?

They hated Jews, and the communists

Why did Nasiz hate Jews?

Because Hitler and the rest of the Nazis blamed the Jews for losing WW1.

Were the Nazis successful at getting people to hate the Jews?

To a significant extent, yes.

Who else did the Nazis hate apart from Jews?

emotion did not play a large part in who they persecuted.

Why did the Nazis hate Judaism?

I think you'll find that it was the Jews (that is people) that the Nazis hated and that they had very little knowledge of Judaism (the religion).

What did Nazis tell their kids about Jews?

Every anti-Semitic epithet was spewed out concerning the Jews, including some new canards that the Nazis invented. No need to repeat them here. The Nazis set up a huge, well-funded propaganda ministry (as did the Soviets), which poured out a deluge of hate-material against the Jews.See also:Another question on the Holocaust

What is the word for people who hate Jews or other cultures?

The Nazis.___Jew-haters - antisemitesthose who hate other cultures are xenophobes or (often) racists.

Why did the Nazis hate the Jews in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

Please see Related Questions below.

Which religion is most often been victims of rampant hatred and hate crimes?

The nazis and neo-nazis have done hate crime against innocent Jewish people. In some countries Muslims have done hate crimes against innocent Christians, Jewish people and Hindus.

Were the Nazis the first people to hate the Jews?

Hell no, many people hated Jews for thousands of years, mainly Christians hated Jews due to different religious believes.