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oh-my-goshies. i. do. not. no.

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Q: What was the total amount of American soldiers involved in the Vietnam war?
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Who were Australian soldiers that fought in Vietnam?

the conditions for the Australian soldiers was the same as all of the previous wars. But the soldiers this time didnt come back as Heroes, they suffered, faught in the worst conditions ever, against a strong army who lives in jungles and were finlly defeated. the weather and Vietnam's climax made it very difficult for the soldiers to fight, the enemy was very tough, they had very smart techniques and one of them was the Guerilla warfare, the most difficult type to fight. As well as the issues involved in the Vietnam war were never straightforward, which made the fighting harder.

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What was the least amount of American soldiers killed in any war?

147, Gulf War

How many soldiers were sent?

The following amount of men were deployed to the Vietnam War (Approximately): US Soldiers-1,736,000; US Marines-391,000; US Airmen-293,000, US Sailors/Coast Guardsmen-174,000.

Who was the first President to get the US involved in the Vietnam war?

Eisenhower laid the groundwork for U.S. involvement in Vietnam with the Eisenhower Doctrine, which proclaimed that, when it came to the Middle East, the U.S. would be "prepared to use armed force...[to counter] aggression from any country controlled by international communism." Eisenhower was also the first president to send economic and military aid to South Vietnam. Kennedy followed in Eisenhower's footsteps by gradually increasing the amount of enonomic and military aid sent to South Vietnam. And it was Johnson who first sent large numbers of American ground troops to fight in Vietnam.

What was the total amount of troops sent to Vietnam by the end of the war?

By the end of the war, approximately 2,594,000 US Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen had served IN COUNTRY, in the Vietnam War. By the end of the war, approximately 2,594,000 US Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen had served IN COUNTRY, in the Vietnam War.

What was the highest number of U.S. soldiers in South Vietnam at one time?

The United States had been involved in South Vietnam for five years in 1968 when it reached the height of its involvement with 543,000 active servicemen stationed in South Vietnam. Following the election of Richard Nixon in November 1968 and following his strategy of "Vietnamization", handing more control and responsibility to the South Vietnamese government, the amount of active U.S. servicemen would decline until their final withdrawal in 1973.

How many New Zealanders have died in wars?

In World War I, around 17,000 died. In world war II around 12000died, bringing the total of the two wars to 29,000. A much smaller amount have died in other wars.

How did American soldiers know about what was going on with holocaustsconcentration camps during world war 2?

they knew a minimal amount, apart from those who had first hand experience.

What group was the silent majority in the Vietnam war?

The "silent majority" were a group of American people that were supposed to support the USA in the Vietnam War, as compared to a large amount of vocal demonstrators that were protesting the war. After many years of fighting in Vietnam and seeing no end in sight, the vast majority of Americans wanted it to end, and for the the USA to leave the quagmire. Which they did in 1973, and South Vietnam fell to the communists in 1975.

How did the beach become famous?

This beach was the most famous because it had the highest number of Casualties. All together there were about 5,000 dead or wounded American soldier. All in all, about 10% of the soldiers sent to the beach. The Germans also had about 1,200 dead or wounded soldiers out of an unknown amount of overasl soldiers.

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Family, Education, church groups, study groups and other groups that you might be involved in that have a good (medium) amount of different people.