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Abstract artists throw out the rules and training people get from a very early age and pose new ideas.

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Q: What way does abstract expressionism actually work against its environment?
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What art movement was pop art rebelling against?

What'd ya got? Pop art was rebelling against abstract expressionism, poking holes in the loftiness of art begining an age of pre-fab, commercialism, and constumerism.

What injuries did undertaker sustain at wrestlemania xxvii against Triple H?

actually, undertaker had alot of injuries against triple h but, he had tem on his body. (all his body)...

Would you expect many earthquakes to happen along the ring of fire?

Actually i found the answer. A lot of earths plates are found there and they rub against each other a causing earthquakes.

Are Democrats or Republicans more against crime?

Everybody is against crime. The danger for all politicians is that they try to 'prove up' how much they are against crime by passing harsher and harsher penalties. Not a recent phenomena. England once made picking a pocket a capital offense. The hangings of pick-pocketsdrew huge crowds, whose pockets were then picked by local pick-pockets.The tendency for all elected officials, who know you are against crime too, is to use your fear of crime to enhance their electability. In that environment justice goes out the window.

Can a christian do psi or is it unholy?

Christians are definitively allowed to practice the manipulation of psi and energy.Another answerChristians are against the use of magick as they believe it is assisted by the devil. However, in theory Christians are not against the use of psi, this is because psi is an mechanism and do not appear to require the assistance from the devil. However, due to similarities between magick and psionics, a common misconception is that they are the same thing, so some Christians will be against the use of psi due to this misconception.Note: The relation between magick and the devil also a misconception. Magick does not actually require the presence of a 'devil'.

Related questions

In what ways does abstract expressionism actually work against its environment?

Abstract artists throw out the rules and training people get from a very early age and pose new ideas.

In what way does expressionism actually work against its environment?

Abstract artists throw out the rules and training people get from a very early age and pose new ideas.

What art movement was pop art rebelling against?

What'd ya got? Pop art was rebelling against abstract expressionism, poking holes in the loftiness of art begining an age of pre-fab, commercialism, and constumerism.

What is expressionism in theater?

expressionism plays often dramatize the struggle against bourgeois values and established authority, often personified in the figure of the Father.

What came before minimalism?

Minimalism began as a reaction against abstract expressionism, which was the first specifically American art movement which achieved international influence and put New York at the center of the western art world, a role formerly filled by Paris.

Is against an abstract noun?

Against is a preposition, not a noun.

Where did minimalism start?

Minimalism art began in the 1960s and early 1970s in New York as a reaction against abstract expressionism. Donald Clarence Judd (1928-1994), Robert Morris (1931-) und Sol LeWitt (1928-2007) are generally considered the leading international exponent of "minimalism".

How do you replace abstract words with concrete words?

To replace abstract words with concrete words, focus on using specific, tangible details that appeal to the senses. For example, instead of saying "love," describe specific actions or feelings that illustrate love, such as "holding hands," "smiling brightly," or "feeling a warm embrace." This helps make abstract concepts more vivid and relatable to the reader.

What is the abstract noun of quality?

The word quality is an abstract noun, the word 'quality' is an abstract noun; the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something; a word for a concept.

Is argument an abstract noun?

Argument is an abstract noun form for the verb to argue. The present participle of the verb is the gerund (verbal noun), arguing, also an abstract noun.

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ozone layer