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well, he was a poet
Poe is credited for being the master and father of modern horror and suspense. He influenced many authors; such as Stephen King. His stories also have great morals like in "Mask of the Red Death" by EAP when all the rich and powerful people die. The moral is that nobody can escape death regardless of social class or riches and that death is blind.

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2mo ago

Edgar Allan Poe made significant contributions to the Horror, mystery, and detective fiction genres. He pioneered the development of the detective story with tales such as "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" and "The Purloined Letter," and his works had a profound influence on the development of modern literature. Poe's writing also explored complex psychological themes and the macabre, setting a standard for Gothic literature.

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10y ago

Poe's influence on literature was virtually worldwide. He transformed the short story from anecdote to art. He virtually created the detective and Science Fiction genres and perfected the psychological thriller. His theoretical statements on short stories and poetry were some of the most influential literary criticism of his time. Without his contributions, literature would not have evolved to what it is today.

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10y ago

Edgar Allan Poe contributed much to English literature. He wrote many great works that are now considered classics and are known all over the world.

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How does Edgar Allan Poe make a Gothic setting for 'The Raven'?

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