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The Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) was divided into two groups : Deutsches Jungvolk) (German Young Folk) and Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, the League of German Girls) .

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Q: What were the 2 youth group of the nazi party?
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What group of people did the nazi party blame for there problems in World War 2?

The Nazi party thought Jewish people were to blame. That was the main. Adolf Hitler was also against Gypsies, people with disorder's, and more.

What factors contributed to the rise of Hitler and his dictatorship under the Nazi party in Germany during world war 2?

because he "bribed" people to join his "Master Race" Or He just spoke out when he was in the "Nazi Party" and soon or later he was the "Leader" and most people that were unemployed joined his group because they had nothing better to do.

What are facts about Nazis?

1. Nazi was an Political party 2. An leading party of Nazi Germany 3. Leaded by Hitler theirs many facts just search up Nazi Facts or Facts about Nazi Party and you'll find a lot of facts.

What were 5 Major Events of the Nazi Party?

1: Kristallnacht AKA The night of broken glass 2: First concentration camp, Dachau 3: The fall of Reichstag 4: The Nuremberg laws 5: Discovery of Zyklon-B

How many people were murdered by the Nazis?

A Nazi is a member of the National Socialist Party in the years of 1929-1945 plus all those that were sympathisers/supporters/informants. The number of members increased heavily from 1933 onwards because in the Dictatorship under Adolf Hitler, members got preferential treatment and many professions you could not get into if you were not a member. Therefore some of the people in the Army/Navy/Airforce were Nazis, but not all, many bureaucrats and mayors, were Nazis, many teachers, entrepreneurs etc. The general membership of the Nazi Party, known as the Parteimitglieder, mainly consisted of the urban and rural lower middle classes. 7% belonged to the upper class, another 7% were peasants, 35% were industrial workers and 51% were what can be described as middle class. When it came to power in 1933, the Nazi Party had over 2 million members. Once in power, it attracted many more members and by the time of its dissolution it had 8.5 million members. Many of these were nominal members who joined for careerist reasons,but the party had an active membership of at least a million, including virtually all the holders of senior positions in the national government.

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What was the name or the Germany military group in world war 2?

The NAZI party was a political party. The SS was a German military group.

What group of people did the nazi party blame for there problems in World War 2?

The Nazi party thought Jewish people were to blame. That was the main. Adolf Hitler was also against Gypsies, people with disorder's, and more.

Who was the nazi party organizer during world war 2?

George Strasser was the Nazi Party Organizer in the 1930s.

Does anyone claim to be the leader of the nazi party today?

Obviously not, almost everyone knows that at least Adolf Hitler was the last main leader of the Nazi Party. After World War 2, the Nazi Party disbanded.

Who was the German dictator from the nazi party during World War 2?

There was only one German Nazi Dictator: Adolf Hitler.

Was the Nazi party a main cause of world war 2?

In European parts. On Asia-Pacific side, Nazi party was a not a cause of WW2

What political party was Hitler the leader of durin World War 2?

The Nazi party.

Who started the Nazi party during World War 2?

The Nazi party was not started during World War 2. It was started in 1919 and took control of the German government in 1933. World War 2 did not start until 1939. The Nazi Party was founded in 1919 by Anton Drexler, a Munich locksmith. It took the name that produces the acronym "Nazi" in 1920.

What was the swastika in world war 2?

The symbol of the Nazi party.

Who shot first in world war 2?

The Nazi Party

Did the Nazi party lead Germany in World War 2?

Yes it did.

What did the German youth do in World War 2?

They attended meetings of the Nazi youth and reported to the head of the meetings. Those who reported it received sugar, which was the currency back then.