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a new rout to Asia

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Q: What were the first Spanish explorers looking for when they reached the Americans?
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Why was the Inca Empire weakened when Spanish explorers reached them?

The Incas were weaked by the Civil War before the Spanish came.

When did Spanish explorers first reach California?

The Spanish explorers first reached California in 1542, led by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. They landed in what is now San Diego.

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What was the mission of the Spanish explorers to the area that is now called Tennessee?

Many historians believe that Spanish expeditions in the 16th century that reached into what is now Tennessee may have been to prevent Native Tribes there to end their conflicts with Natives that were friendly towards Spanish explorers.

Were Native Americans the first people to live in North Dakota?

Yes. Native Americans lived in the area which became North Dakota for thousands of years before European explorers reached the area.

What regions did spanish explorers travel?

Spanish explorers traveled extensively throughout the Western Hemisphere. The conquistadores traveled as far north as the western portion of the present-day United States to the southernmost regions of the present-day countries of Chile and Argentina. The Spanish also sailed through the Pacific and reached the Philippines.

What is the first asian country european explorers reached by water?

India was the first Asian country European explorers reached by water. It was first reached by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama.

Why Marquette and Juliet decide to turn back when they reached the Arkansas River?

They were afraid they might encounter Spanish explorers or colonists.

The first asian country european explorers reached by water?

The first Asian country that the European explorers reached by water was India. The explorers was commanded by Portuguese explorer Dom Vasco da Gama.

When did the nordic explorers reach America?

They reached North America 500 years before Columbus reached the Bahamas.

What was the first Asian country that European explorers reached by water?


How did the American explorers feel when they reached Florida?

really really good