

What where some preventions people made for the dust Bowl?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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I they made sod houses and lived in ditches

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Q: What where some preventions people made for the dust Bowl?
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What is dust bowl?

it is then dust made a big wave

What made the dust bowl occur?


Where did people living in Kansas move during the dust bowl?

People in Kansas moved to northern states in hope to get away from the dust. They also wanted to have a better living after their crops were destroyed by the dust. People in Kansas realized that they made little money farming and tried to get a better job.

Which geographic area is most closely associated with the dust bowl of the 1930?

The dust bowl was caused by poor agricultural irrigation systems. It blanketed much of the US at the time and led a large migration to California. The lack of water made living conditions impossible. It also effected the rest of the nation which depended on this food.

Which great American novel is about the devastation of the Dust Bowl?

Grapes of Wrath is Steinbeck's famous novel about the Dust Bowl and the migration to California by an Okie family. It was made into a successful movie.

How did the human activities made it worse for the dust bowl in 1930?

Used up all the water.

How dust bowl effects the shortage of food?

it made a shortege of food becuse it destroyd farms

Why was the point of the dust bowl?

Go to your library and see if they have a PBS documentary called Surviving the Dust Bowl. IT lasted for 10 years. People died of dust pneumonia. they couldn't see their hand in front of their face. It was caused by a drought and high winds.

How did the dust bowl and Great Depression affect California?

The dust bowl a was in the Midwest and Oklahoma, but it could have caused a shortage of wheat and other crops from that area.Both led jobs to dry up. It made putting foods on the table hard.

Is the dust bowl made out of dirt or dust?

Both. The insane winds came and blew the topsoil off the ground and into the air, but i was kind of also dust and kinda also sand. Dirt, Sand, or Dust are all ok to say, but dust is usually what it is called.

Did women have birth during the dust bowl?

yes the man put his thing in the woman and made her pregnet and she had a child.

Explain the impact of the drought in the creation of the Dust Bowl?

The impact cause the people to feel dehydrated and made people drink their own pee. Some have lost their insantiy and they drink off other people's pee. That's why they are C7AY. B-)