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Q: What will Veterans Affairs pay the veterans for developing this disease?
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Is peripheral neuropathy related to dioxin?

I believe the Veterans Affairs has decided that PN is a service connected disease to Agent Orange (Dioxin).

How many soldiers are still alive from Korean war?

Of the 2.7 Million of Americans who served in Vietnam approximately 57,000 were killed. It is estimated that out of those survivors less than 900,000 are alive today. This is stark contrast to the US census figures and VFW magazine polls showing that 13,853,027 Americans claim to be Vietnam Veterans. Four out of Five of those who claim to be Vietnam Veterans are not.

What President died from stress related to the Teapot Dome and the Veterans Bureau scandals?

Stress may have contributed to the death in office of Warren G. Harding in 1923. He likely died of coronary disease, from which he was known to suffer.

How many Desert Storm Veterans got kidney disease?

3 years after my husband returned he had unidentified cyst on kidney civilian docs removed it and was afraid it spread to other one thank God it didn't spread VA says no to any kidney problems but if you search for kidney ailments in the gulf areas like Iraq, Kuwait, etc they all have it and lung diseases looks like Goodpastures disease to me, government wont recognise husband lungs are almost non functioning God bless our soldiers and Veterans Thank you

What describes unsaturated fat?

Decreases your risk of developing heart disease

What is an example of not getting a disease again called?

Developing an Immunity to the disease.

How many wounded US veterans have there been throughout history?

Not counting the dead, those taken out by accident or disease and not counting the current and ongoing Second Persian Gulf War, the best estimate is that 1.52 million battle wounds have been inflicted on US servicemen.

Type of resistance that is acquired as a result of developing a disease?

Naturally acquired active immunity is the type of resistance that is acquired from developing a disease. Naturally acquired active immunity leaves the person immune from developing the disease again in the future.

Are there veterans benefits available for senior veterans?

My husband is a Army Veteran and I am not eligible for any benefits because I am not a Veteran. We live in Texas. If you are married to the veteran when he passes, you can collect spousal pay. It comes out of the Veterans check each month. But if you can prove that his death was war related, you can put in a claim. For example, exposure to Agent Orange, If the Veteran had been in Vietnam, and had prostate cancer, or Parkinson's disease. If you win your claim, you will receive his military check. When this happens, you qualify for a lot of the benefits as if you are the Veteran. You qualify for housing loans, If you are disabled, and need assistance in everyday living, you can put in a claim for Examination for Housebound Status or Permanent need for Regular Aid. One more thing, they will have to back pay you starting the month after his death.

Can vaccinations carry risks of developing an infectious disease?

Live vaccines carry a small risk of developing an infectious disease. Inactivated vaccines cannot cause the infectious disease they're meant to prevent.

What increases the chance of developing a disease?

Poor hygiene.

Decreases your risk of developing heart disease?

There are many foods you could eat to decrease your risk of developing heart disease such as Cheerios. You could also exercise to reduce your risk.