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She will have what is called a missed period. Where you don't get your period for that month. And if that happens then you should take a pergency test to make sure that she is pregnant.

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Q: What will happen to the girl after a week if she gets pregnant?
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Nothing. It's safe and you have the same chances as before for keeping it or having a miscarriage.

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Yes, smoking is harmful to the baby anytime you are pregnant. So if you are pregnant one week or 9 months.

Is it possible to get pregnant at 1 week?

No clue as to what your questioning is asking,yeah you can have sex and be pregnant in a week,that means your a week pregnant.

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It can receive skeletal damage

You had protected sex a month and 2 weeks ago. Can the girl already be a month and a week pregnant?

Well it depends when she started her period and when she ovulated. If she had finished her period is week before you had sex then yes it is very possible she coudl be pregnant.

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ask a doctor ;]