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Q: What word means work of literature that mocks human vices using humor and irony?
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What kind of literature makes fun of its subject?

Satire is a form of literature that uses humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize and make fun of its subject matter. It often aims to expose and mock human vices, follies, and societal issues through clever and humorous means.

What is irony of situation in literature?

It is when the writer says one thing that means another.

What does irony trumps everything mean?

"Irony trumps everything" means that irony can overshadow or have more impact than anything else. It suggests that the use of irony can be a powerful tool in making a point or highlighting contradictions in a situation.

What type of irony occurs when both the?

Verbal irony occurs when someone says something but means the opposite, while situational irony is when the expected outcome is opposite to what actually happens. Both these forms of irony can create humor or emphasize the disconnect between expectation and reality in a situation.

What means the opposite of what is said?

That would be verbal irony, where the speaker says the opposite of what they really mean for emphasis or humor. For example, saying "What a beautiful day" when it is actually raining.

What is the type of language that means the opposite of what is actually said?

The type of language that means the opposite of what is actually said is called irony. It is a rhetorical device characterized by incongruity between what is expected and what actually occurs. Irony can be used for humor, satire, or to convey a deeper meaning.

How are verbal irony situational irony and dramatic irony all the same?

Verbal, situational, and dramatic irony are all forms of irony that involve a contrast between what is expected and what actually occurs. Verbal irony is when a character says something but means the opposite, situational irony is when the outcome is different from what is anticipated, and dramatic irony is when the audience knows something that the characters do not. They each bring about surprise or humor by playing with expectations.

When a word or phrase implies a meaning that's opposite its literal meaning, that's best described as?

That is called verbal irony. It occurs when someone says something but means the opposite, often for humor or emphasis.

Verbal irony occurs when?

a word or phrase is used in a way that implies the opposite of the literal meaning.

What is verbral irony?

Verbal irony is a disparity of expression and intention: when a speaker says one thing but means another, or when a literal meaning is contrary to its intended effect. An example of this is sarcasm.

What does it mean to have your tongue in your cheek?

Having your tongue in your cheek means that you are speaking with a hint of irony, sarcasm, or humor. It is a way to convey that what you are saying should not be taken completely seriously or at face value.

What is the literary word for making fun of something?

The literary term for making fun of something is satire. It is a way of using humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize or mock a person, idea, or society.