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Most likely they wouldn't want a relationship with you if they couldn't benefit from it whether casual or not. If they feel they can benefit and manipulate you out of something, then the game playing begins.

Be aware, they will immediately manipulate ways to get whatever they want and then will disappear after receiving it. Again, narcissist cannot be casual in any setting, they have to be the winners or they want nothing at all.

If you are living a decent lifestyle, especially better than theirs, they can not be spectators of another's happiness. If they can damage your happiness, then they would agree to the "casual" relationship. A narcissist always have a game plan. If you are naive in thinking you can have any type of relationship with these people, then you will post another painful question as so many others.

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Q: What would a narcissist say to one if you tell them that you only want a casual relationship with them?
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She wouldn't. That is not a reaction that a narcissist would have.

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Yes, but only if he got something out of it.

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The question is help them how? Refer them to counseling, but they don't want to be fixed, though you may want to fix them to be a 'normal' person so you can keep a relationship with them. If you are a lay person and in a relationship with a narcissist, you cannot help them. Just by the nature of your relationship and the pathology of a narcissist, things will get ugly, it will be at your expense and there will be no change in the narcissist. A good therapist will be the one to help a narcissist, but it takes a great deal of work on the part of the narcissist, a commitment to healing, only they don't see themselves as 'broken' or anything wrong with them, so an honest introspective communication with a therapist is rare. It's so hard to understand. Leaving them is best for you though and isn't that sad that that is also the way to help a narcissist, because they are sucking your goodness from you and using it to buoy themselves. So sad.

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No Strings Attached fun means that someone does not want a relationship, only casual sexual encounters.

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It is due to the fact that they only care for themselves and they might think you aren't good enough. Get over it, since you are obviously scared they might try to get revenge for you not thinking they are good enough. But it is not in a narcissist's nature to harm, since that would be deemining themselves. KthxBye

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Because he is not done using you yet. Testing you.

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It means that you will only date each other. It is not a casual relationship where you can date others without risking losing your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Can a narcissist ever be faithful to one person both the narcissist and the one he's in a relationship with are not married but he continues to try to develop other relationships can he change?

He probably can be physically faithfully but emotionally he is only faithful to one person- Himself. Walk away honey, you deserve better.

Would a narcissist ever be comfortable in a nudist setting?

It could depend on who the narcissist is, whether they are male or female, and their age. In general the answer would be no. Actually narcissists are very self involved and/or self centered people and would not be as comfortable,mainly because they not the one and only center of attention. A nudist resort is about accepting others and existing equally. A narcissist is nothing like that.

What traits would disprove that someone has narcissistic personality disorder?

It's difficult to prove a negative. If a narcissist finds out some of those characteristics, all he has to do is be a good actor. Not being a narcissist is the only quality one could have to prove one is not a narcissist. There is no act a person can perform or one thing a person can do that would prove once and for all that the person is not and never has been and never will be a narcissist. Yet all the same, if you are not a narcissist, other people will recognize this fact, just as if you are, that too will come to light. Empathy. Narcissist's do not posess it nor do they understand it.