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Q: What would cause thick peels on oranges or grapefruits?
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How thick is an orange peel?

Most are between 1/4 and 1/8 inches. The peels vary tremendously between kinds of oranges. I am trying to figure out what kind of orange has the really thick peels. I love them.

How thick is an apple?

Most apple peels are approximately 0.3 mm thick.

Why do grapes rotten before bananas and apples?

An apple rots faster than an orange because in plant science many hormones are used in order to drop fruit, ripen fruit, elongate the stem, etc. One is called ethylene this causes fruit to rot. It is transported as a gas through the air. Therefore if a rotten banana is placed in a bushel of apples, the apples will go bad. Therefore the gas enters the fruit and causes it to decay. (The purpose for the plant is because the fruits contain the future plants seeds.) Now why do apples rot faster than oranges, this is because of the peels, and climate. An apple has a smaller peel, and therefore ethylene can enter easily. Oranges have a very thick peel, and the gas takes a while to enter the fruit. The reason for the peels lies in climate of where oranges and apples are farmed. Oranges need that thick peel because the weather where oranges are grown is tropic and hot. Therefore rotting occurs too fast. However the orange regulates it with its thick peel. Apples are grown further north where the climate is not as severe, therefore it does not need that thick peel.

What is pepo true berry and hesperidium in fruits?

Both are berries however, a pepo true berry is a berry which has a tough outer rind (pericarp) such as watermelons and cucumbers. A hesperidium's pericarp however is leathery like and thick. Some examples of hesperidiums include mostly citrus fruits like lemons, grapefruits, and oranges.

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cause they do

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cause u are

Do peacock have thick feathers?

cause they do

What is the thickness of a banana peel?

Not more than a centimeter or two I'd say.

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cause its thick

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because it felt like it and cause it can

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If an extremely thick amount of ash falls it can cause the roofs of buildings to .?

If an extremely thick amount of ash falls on building roofs, it will cause them to collapse due to the extremely heavy weight.