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Maybe a stomach ulcer, best get it checked out with a Doctor though who can tell you more.

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Q: What would cause you to feel as if something is torn in your stomach and makes you throw up?
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What might make a person throw up?

eat something your stomach don't agree with.

What force can cause and object to change directions?

Up-thrust (throw something into water) Gravity (if you throw something up)

Can you throw up?

It is physically possible for essentially every person and / or animal to throw up, but that is dangerous as vomiting can cause damage to the stomach and esophagus due to stomach acid, it can wear away the protective enamel of teeth, it can cause reptured blood vessels, and it will cause the individual's glands to swell.

Does a stomach ever get so full you can't eat anymore?

It can, depending on your size. Oh, and if you want to throw up!

Why can't you eat before using laughing gas?

you can't because the gas makes you relax and goes to your stomach and makes you throw up your food.

If you throw up does it clean thc out of your system?

No. THC is stored in fat cells. Throwing up would only cause you to throw up stomach fluids.

What does nauseatingly mean?

Something that makes you feel like you want to throw up.

What is a stomach bug?

the stomach bug is when you keep throwing up. if you have it stay out of school/work for 24hours after the last time you throw up.i just means to not feel good, stomach virus.. something of that sort.

Why do you throw up?

Humans throw up because their body's have digested something that there stomach does not agree with. UM MORE ADIVCE FOR PEEPS THANKS! FROM: KITTIE 5232 because we have to look at ur ugly mug

What caused you to throw up yellow liquid?

It is usually bile when it is yellow, that is becasue it is the lining of your stomach, usually when there is nothing left in your stomach after not eating enough food or being sick too much that your stomach has emptied.

What will cause a dog to throw up?

Eating something bad, poison, gas, or sickness.

How harmful is a dead mouse smell to a human?

Not at all, unless it makes you gag, in which case you may, if you have a very weak stomach, throw up.