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You wouldn't be able to ask questions on the internet... no electricity, no computers, no light, and none of the things that need electricity to make.

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Q: What would happen if the world had no electricity?
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What would happen if there was no electricity in Singapore?

The same as would happen in any other country: you could not use any electricity!

What would happen if there was no hydro power?

Hydroelectric power supplies about 20% of the world's electricity. Without that source of energy, more fossil fuels would be consumed to meet the demand for electricity, which would increase air pollution.

What will happen to the world if there is no magnetic induction?

if there is no magnetic induction there will be no electricity

What would happen to man if there was no electricity?

If somehow, electricity "went away," then Man would just have to go back to living a lifestyle like he had before electricity.

What Would happen if you had uranium in a enclosed container and exposed it to a large amount of electricity?

Being a metal Uranium would conduct electricity.

What would most likely happen if all electricity everywhere became unavailable?

New technologies would be developed which did not use electricity.

What would happen if all electricity failed?

The World would shut down, and the economy would collapse, There would be mass looting, Riots, and general Chaos all over the world, but especially focused in the biggest country's, Thousands of people would starve and die all over the world.

What would happen if there was no positive and negative charge in the world?

Depends on how far you want to take your "what if" : superficially you would be getting rid of electricity in all its aspects, but deeper is to get rid of all the atoms ... and if you do that then ---

What would happen if electricity was not found by Benjamin Franklin?

Someone else would have done so.

What would Happen to you if you put your hand in a electricity Eel in an tank?

Give it a try

What would happen if electricity ran through you?

You are electrocuted but only happens if you are grounded

What would happen if the world lost electricity for one week?

If the world lost electricity for one week there would be allot of hardships. Hospitals and doctor offices would lose power, have to run off of generators, and would lose many ways of treatment for the patients. Families would lost food due to there being no power for refrigerators. Stores would go out of business, companies would lose tons of money, and mayhem will hit due to the people not knowing how to react to no electricity.