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margaya ab to


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Q: What would happen if there is no energy in industries of Pakistan?
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What would happen if there were no Pakistan?

We would be a Pakistan-less world. Then India can happy jump. We would be Paki-Free.

How does energy happen?

energy doesn't happen, it exists. for energy to happen, energy would have to be an action (verb), but it is a thing (noun).

What would happen if there were no industries?

If there were no industries we would not get the things which we need in our daily lives like toothbrush, glue, bed, cycles, motorcycles etc.

What would happen if India attack on Pakistan?

The answer is simple............... the india will be finished

What would happen if you did not have energy?

we would havee no air

What would happen if there were no mechanical energy?

If there were no mechanical energy, there would be no movement and so no life exists.

What would happen if we didn't have energy?

we would lose pepe

What would happen if you had a proboscis to eat with?

probably ,the juicer-mixer-grinder production industries would have made huge profits

Would have to happen in order for an electron in energy level 3 to move to energy level 4?

The atom would have to absorb energy.

What would happen if the world had no energy?

Nothing would exist. EVER

What would happen if endothermy were disrupted?

energy is not released

What would happen if you do not conserve energy?

When you waste energy,during night time, no one would se anything