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Only spouses, legally married to one another, are protected against testifying against their spouse in court. All others are not legally protected and can be charged with either "contempt" or "obstruction of justice" if they refuse to testify.

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Q: What would happen if you refuse to give evidence against your partner in court?
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A wife cannot be forced to provide evidence against her husband in a court of law.

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If you refuse to honor a subpoena, an arrest warrant can be issued and contempt proceedings initiated. If you appear but refuse to testify, unless you are invoking your fifth amendment right against self-incrimination or asserting a recognized privilege against compelled testimony, you can also be held in contempt. Of course, it's hard to find a witness in contempt for an inability to remember.

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It is not against the law to refuse recycling in Dallas.

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If you refuse to apologize, then everyone won't forgive you.

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it will go in the binmans bum

Can the lower court refuse to send inmate photographs used at trial as evidence against them?

Evidence presented in court is not retained by the court. After the trial is concluded it is returned to the agency (agencies) that supplied it. If you need access to any of it you will have subpoena the agency to release them. If the case is still on-going (in trial, under appeal, etc), evidence in an ongoing case is never released. Your defense attorney had access to the same material, have you checked with them?