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If you refuse to honor a subpoena, an arrest warrant can be issued and contempt proceedings initiated. If you appear but refuse to testify, unless you are invoking your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination or asserting a recognized privilege against compelled testimony, you can also be held in contempt. Of course, it's hard to find a witness in contempt for an inability to remember.

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Q: If you have been subpoenad by the state to testify as a witness on behalf of the state What is the worst that can happen to you if you dont go to court or if you refuse to testify once you are there?
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How do you excuse for witness stand?

If you are subpoeanad to testify in a court case you will have to contact the court and be prepared to give some excellent reason(s) as to why you should be excused. In a criminal trial this will, in all likliehood, NOT happen.

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If you made the witness not show up, you get charged with another crime.

What happenes if you ment to go to court for a witness and you dont go but they plead guilty?

If you were sent a court summons or subpoena to show up and testify and you didnt go they could issue a bench warrant for failing to appear in court and you could be arrested and or fined ,However If you just told the person that you would come and testify for them and you did not receive a summons or subpoena from the court, then you are not bound by law to appear and nothing will happen whether they plead guilty or not.

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There will no doubt be conflicts of faith.

How do you be a witness?

To happen to have personally observed an event and are then report this to the police.

What does eye witness mean?

A description of something that happened, according to an eye witness--that is, a person who saw thing thing happen.

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An expert witness is someone that testifies according to their knowledge on a subject that pertains to the evidence given. Their expertise is needed to identify, test, and explain the evidence and how it is useful in proving information for either the innocence or guilt of a suspect. Examples of this would be trace evidence, DNA evidence, fingerprint analysis or ballistics. A lay witness, however, is a person that gives testimony based on direct knowledge of the person or crime. A lay witness does not testify based on any education. There is something called an expert lay witness, that could testify based on experience of something pertaining to the case.

Is there a difference between Attest and Witness?

Attest means that you can say for certain that something is a fact. If you witness something, it means you were there to see it happen.

What could happen if someone reports a crime?

what would happen is that the person who reports would behave to testify against the person after being question and the story checks out your welcome!!

What would happen if the fifth amendment wasn't protected?

With no Fifth Amendment you could be required to testify against yourself in court.

What can happen if someone witness a murder?

It depends. Does the killer know that the murder was witnessed. If so, the witness may be next. Legally, the witness may have charges filed against them as a co-conspirator or obstruction of justice.

What happen to the 91 people who signed the testament to the good moral character of Martha Corey and Rebeca Nurse?

They will be tried, and will testify in court.