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Relative humidity increases when the amount of moisture air can hold increases. The increase can be caused by the introduction of more moist air, OR a temperature drop of the air/moisture mixture without a loss of moisture. Colder air will hold less moisture than warm air; as the temperature goes down the amount of moisture relative to what the air can hold increases.

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9y ago

The relative humidity can increase it by letting more water into the air. The relative humidity can hold more than regular humidity.

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13y ago

Increasing the heat of the object in question will increase the rate of diffusion. You can also stir the substance (this, like heating, increases the speed of the particle movement).

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Q: How can relative humidity increase diffusion rate?
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The higher the relative humidity is the lower rate of evaporation.

Does stirring increase the rate of diffusion?

It decreases it.

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What are two ways to increase the rate of diffusion?

Agitation and heat.

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How does humidity affect the water potential?

As you decrease humidity, I believe the water potential of the environment also decreases. Conversely, if you increase the humidity, the water potential increases. An example can be found in water movement of leaves. As the humidity increases, the rate of diffusion goes down because water moves from areas of high water potential to low water potential. Thus, as the humidity goes down, the rate of diffusion of water from leaves to the environment increases because water potential of the environment is lower (more negative) than the leaf's, so water flows out of the leaf.

When is your highest relative humidity?

AnswerIt's 78C of heat index recorded at Dharhan Saudi Arabia in 2000 with a 41C and over 70% humidity rate.

What would heating do to the rate of diffusion of a salt crystal?

the rate of diffusion increases. the increase in the temperature makes the molucules move faster giving space for diffusion to occur and the amount and the time increases.

What is Effect of relative humidity on water evaporation?

humidity effects the evaporation in the following ways: 1. In a closed container rate of evaporation will have a lesser value than usual.but there will be no decrease in the rate.