

What would the world be like if no one cut trees down?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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anything but the way the earth is like now

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Q: What would the world be like if no one cut trees down?
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What would happen to the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere if there were less plants and trees?

Trees and plants take in Carbon Dioxide and in turn breathes out oxygen. If there was no plants and trees we would die. The whole of the world depends on plants and trees. Not meaning to sound like a tree-hugger, but don't cut down trees...plant them!

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Its like if I cut you in half, would that be good for you?

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What would the world look like without trees?

The world would look weird and we would all be died because trees give off oxygen which we need to live

Cause of illegal cutting of trees?

Trees are used to make paper things, like money. If they weren't cut down, we would have either no money or trees with VERY large chunks cut out of them.

Why should deforestation continue?

It creates jobs in Brazil. One of those jobs could be replanting the trees, which would be like never cutting down the trees. :)

What and where is habitat clearing?

habitat Clearing is cutting down animals homes, like trees and forests. It's a man-made thing, like cutting down trees.

What would your world be like without trees?

there would be no oxygen and no shade and no shade on a summer day u will be sweating like crazy and no wood to build are houses and no paper

How will the earth change if the rain forest disappear?

well if the rainforests disappear there wont be any exotic life her on the planet and without any eco life the world would mean nothing. its just like if you cut all the trees down in the world you wont get oxygen scientifically speaking and that would cut off outer life and pretty soon life as we know it couldn't exist well unless you had trees in your house or stuff like that.

Give two whys Why can fewer mammals and birds survive after trees have been cut down?

fewer mammals and birds can survive after trees have been cut down because it is their habitat and their food. cutting trees down will cause loss of habitat, and if there are too many animals of one species in the area, then some will die, especially the weaker ones. another problem with cutting trees down is that it no longer provides the oxygen that we need to survive. if we were to cut all the trees down, it would not be long until planet earth reflects what it is like to be in space, and everyone would die.

How is paper usually made?

by trees.... they cut trees down and ground it,purifie it,dye it, and like roll it down thin enough to be called paper

What animals live in trees in africa?

Well there would be monkeys probably and snakes and lizards. Also bugs like everywhere else in the world.