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Check the pill bottle for instructions and if none can be found, call the company and they will direct you on how to properly take it.

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Q: When are you supposed to take lipoblast pills before food afterfood or with food?
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Are the white pills taken when you have your periods?

no, take it before and you won't have your period the first three rows of pills have hormones in them that will regulate your period..the last row is actually only sugar pills and you are supposed to have your period on those pills. However, you can get pregnant on the pill if not taken exactly how you are supposed to.

How reliable are ProSolution pills?

ProSolution pills are supposed to be safe and without harmful ingredients. Supposedly these pills are recommended by some doctors but it is best to seek advice from a family doctor before taking these pills. The reliability of ProSultion pills is really not known.

Can you stop taking your sugar pills before they run out?

Yes, as long as you start taking the hormone pills when you are supposed to. The sugar pills are just to keep you in the habit and make sure you start the hormone pills on the correct day. If you are stopping taking pills altogether you need not take any sugar pills at all.

What pills can be crushed THEN injected?

Pills are not supposed to be taken parenterally ie as injections

Do lipoblast pills really work?

Not far. I've taken one a half bottles, 1-3 pills a day and I feel like I lost a little weight, they tend to do their job more when I exercise and don't eat, but then if I do that are pills really contirbuting anything??? Probably not. I think If you're the type of person that only eats because they're hungry, not for enjoyment,boredom or while socializing, they will work because if you take enough (3 a day for me) they will make you feel full. They are supposed to be "mood enhancers" and I have not felt the effects of that at all.

When am I supposed to take my progrestrone pills?

You will need to ask your doctor or pharmacist for the the times you need to take your progesterone pills.

Are you supposed to take the green pills from birth control?

In some birth control brands, the green pills are active pills and should not be skipped. In other brands, the green pills are placebos (sugar pills or reminder pills) and can be skipped. Talk to your pharmacist or health care provider to get information specific to your brand of birth control pills.

How long are you supposed to spot when you skip the sugar pills in your birth control?

It's unpredictable.

Is it OK to start taking your active pills when you are suppose to but are still bleeding and are at the end of your menstrual cycle?

Yes this is normal. Take your birth control pills as your supposed to hun.

If you stop taking loestrin 24 fe midcycle is it necessary to take the final iron pills at end of package?

No. all iron pills are the same. If you are supposed to stop, then stop!

Can a woman take contraceptive pills before first issue?

A woman can take birth control pills before she has been pregnant once. Sometimes a woman may use birth control pills before a first period, although that is exceedingly rare.

Is it okay if you started your pills before you started your period you were supposed to take them when you started does it make you miss your period that month and is it still effective?

It's fine. Use a backup method of birth control for the first seven days.