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Auto Electrical Conundrum

In over 60 years of maintaining my own and others cars and pickups, I've never heard of the practice of turning headlights on while "jump" charging an auto battery.

I am a longtime electrical/electronics hobbyist, and SUSPECT that turning headlights on while charging from another vehicle is to provide some load to "use up" some of the current [normally measured in Amperes (Amps)].

By adding the load of the headlights, one would think that the output current of the charging vehicle's alternator would be reduced, thus lowering the charge rate to the battery being charged.

I can only guess that the purpose would be to slow down the charge rate, and thus reduce heat and Hydrogen gas generation in the charging battery.

There is a problem with this idea in that the voltage regulation system in the charging vehicle WILL [or should] SENSE the reduced charging voltage, and in response, will just increase the output voltage, and thus the current to the charging battery.

In effect, this "trick" is worthless. Just charge the battery with the lights OFF as this will accomplish the charging in a shorter time.

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Q: When charging flat battery from other car why do you need to put your low lights on?
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If you are talking about battery chargers you buy to charge your vehicle's battery, you will hear a slight hum or a feel a slight vibration as it is charging. Some chargers have a meter which will show the current (Amps) being put into the battery. If you mean the vehicle's own battery charging system, if that system is not working it is likely that a red warning light on your dashboard will not go out after you have started the engine. Vintage cars or special-build vehicles often have an Ammeter to show the current (Amps) being put into the battery. If the vehicle's own charging system is not working you can still drive the vehicle for some distance but don't rely on the battery's charge lasting for long: if the battery is not being re-charged it will go flat because of the current drain taken by the vehicle's electrics. (Ignition, fuel pump, lights, etc..) If you can't get the vehicle's own battery charging system fixed but still want to use the vehicle for short distances you will have to re-charge its battery regularly using a mains-powered battery charger. When you eventually get the vehicle's charging system fixed it would be a good idea to have the battery tested too, to be sure it is ok. If your battery is too flat to start the engine then there may be 2 different reasons why it went flat: 1) because the battery is old or has a fault so that it cannot hold a charge any more - the battery needs to be replaced. 2) because the vehicle's battery charging system has a fault so that it has stopped charging the battery. In that case it is the charging system which must be replaced. This assumes of course that the battery itself is ok.

How long do you have to leave you car lights on before the battery goes flat?

There is not set amount of time. It would depend on such factors as the power drawn by the lights, the rating and condition of the battery and the temperature.

What does the battery do in a car?

if you leave any lights on in the car you may cause you a flat battery. if you leave any lights on in the car you may cause you a flat battery.

1995 subaru impreza just clicks when you turn the key the battery is new?

did your old battery die because the alternator has a fault? if so your new battery may be flat, check cranking voltage at the battery if you can. if you don't have a volt meter see what happens if you turn on the head lights, stereo, heater fan etc at the same time, are the lights bright (battery ok) or dull (battery flat) other possibilities are a bad wiring connection, bad engine earth connection or faulty starter.

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Get on it. Ride it. Ride it some more. Then the battery goes flat. Now you know. :)

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You have a flat battery.

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Nope - I have a separate charger in addition to my mobile phone, so I never have a flat battery. The phone has never had any bad effects from charging the spare battery in an alternative charger.