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He published his early work on gravitation and mechanics in "De motu corporum in gyrum" in 1684 but he did not publish his Law of Universal gravitation until 5th July 1687 in "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" which is now generally known as the "Principia."

It is more difficult to be precise on when he actually did the work but it is known that he did much of his important work whilst at home from 1665-7 when Cambridge university was closed due to the plague. He returned to the work in 1677 whilst working as a professor at Cambridge University.

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There was no exact date.

5th of July 1687 was the sharpest date, which was the date of publishing of the "Principia".

If you type into Google Principa Mathematica this is the calculus that he formulated to solve the mystery of gravity.

I know it was in the 1600's but cannot remember the exact date.


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Q: When did Isaac Newton come up with the theory of gravity?
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Isaac Newton developed the theory of gravity. When an apple hit him on the head, he asked, "Why did that apple fall down instead of up?" Then he looked at the moon and wondered why it does not fall down. He had to come up with the branch of mathematics called calculus to figure it out.

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The theory of universal Gravitation. Got it right on Odyssey :)

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Because Sir Isaac Newton was one day watching an apple fall from a tree. Eventually he had come up wiith the force of gravity. Also, apples are affected by gravity, just like nearly everything else.

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Well Isaac Newton probally just liked doing what he did. But he did have solid evedince before hestarted reserch. And he had to prove what happened otherwise he would have been beheaded for going against what the king said. Remember he was living in the 16 and 17 hundreds.

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