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Hippocrates describes it although he does not call it bipolar, that term is recent.

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Q: When did bipolar disorder first become known as a psychological disorder?
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What is first drug to treat bipolar disorder?

The first drug to treat bipolar disorder was lithium.

Can bipolar 2 turn into bipolar 1?

Yes. If left untreated, bipolar 2 can easily turn into bipolar 1 or possibly even rapid cycling bipolar disorder. (Second User) Yes, even with treatment (although it is much less likely in such a case) bipolar two disorder can become bipolar one disorder. This would happen when the hypomanic episodes of Bipolar 2 become more severe and harmful manic episodes. This change has been known to most often happen after somebody has had the disorder for some time. To clarify the first answer: Rapid cycling can occur in any type of bipolar disorder. It is not really its own type of bipolar disorder, rather, it is a condition that can occur with a bipolar disorder. It refers to a person who experiences four or more bipolar mood swings in a year. This can also develop over time or be a part of the disorder from the start.

Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Yes BiPolar is genetic and it is highly likely that someone who has BiPolar has a family member with the same condition. But not always i mean someone has to be first.

When was bipolar disorder first found?

no idea. Hippocrates describes.

What is the recommended treatment for bipolar disorder?

Medication is always the first and recommended treatment for bipolar disorder, but what will also work is regular therapy. The medicine includes antidepressants.

Where can someone find info about bipolar disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a common mental illness that can be controlled by the use of medicine. To find out if you have bipolar disorder you should first consult your physician for an prescription to see a psychologist. If you are looking for other routes, you can always search Web MD.

Is bipolar an anxiety disorder?

Bipolar - mood disorder, involves cycles of extremely exaggerated high and low moodDepression - mood disorder, involves periods of extremely exaggerated low moodAnxiety - anxiety disorder, involves extreme anxiety and fears that does not correspond to real world dangers

Is bipolar disorder in one parent inherited by offspring?

Yes. Children with one bipolar parent have a 30% chance of developing bipolar disorder. Even children of bipolar parents who do not develop bipolar disorder are at increased risk (compared to children who do not have a bipolar parent) for other psychopathology such as ADHD, learning disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, etc. Children with two bipolar parents are at an even greater risk of developing bipolar disorder.

What is the worst mental illness?

Bipolar I Disorder (mot to be confused with Bipolar II). Highest suicide rate, mania, to include hallucinations and hearing voices, often violence. Bipolar I disorder also includes hypomania and severe depression. The term "Bipolar" at one time was known as Manic Depressive Illness. Currently, the name for the illness has come to include, erroneously, the Bipolar II. Bipolar II does not have the element of mania that Bipolar I does. Actually Bipolar II does have a manic element, but it is hypomanic, which is a lot less severe than the mania of Bipolar I. A lot of people, like me, start out as Bipolar II but become Bipolar I when they have their first full-blown manic attack (I prefer attack to episode because that's what it is--an attack on the mind).

Are mood disorders psychological or biological?

The best answer is yes. In other words, they are a psychological disorder that has a biological or genetic component or predisposition. Any disorder affecting mood is psychological by definition. If it effects your mood then it is having a psychological effect on you. So, that fulfills the first part of the question. In addition, there is evidence that mood disorders are the result of an abnormality in brain chemistry that produces the psychological effect. People with mood disorders are different in the way their brains handle the absorption of the neurotransmitters which effect mood. There is also a lot of evidence that there is a genetic component to all of this, as mood disorders (especially bipolar disorder) does tend to run in families from generation to generation. So, yes. Your answer is Yes.

What are some ways to teach others about bipolar disorder?

First off, you have to understand what bipolar disorder is and be confident and comfortable talking about. remember people can smell fear. Look up websites on google and compile a list of information you think people would be receptive to. you may have to dumb it down a little and remember to a lock on your emotions if you have bipolar disorder.

Is Bipolar hereditary?

The mental illness bipolar disorder is thought to be genetic (hereditary) however we don't know of a specific gene that is responsible for it. It appears that many genes must be present for bipolar disorder to manifest, likely, along with other risk factors. This has been shown in twin studies. While identical twins share 100% of their DNA, if one twin has bipolar disorder other other twin does not have bipolar disorder 100% of the time. The rate of concordance of bipolar disorder type one in identical twins is between 33-90%, according to Medscape Reference.According to Medscape Reference, first-degree relatives of a person with bipolar disorder type one have a seven times greater risk of bipolar I than the general population. Additionally, major mental illnesses all seem to travel together as offspring of a parent with bipolar disorder have a 50% chance of having another major psychiatric disorder. It's important to note that even siblings raised in different households still show an elevated risk, illustrating that bipolar disorder is not only due to a shared environment but also genetics.